Quick start for FIAT Gate
Payment Gateway get opportunity to receive FIAT payments from merchant's customers.
At this moment we're working with next currencies:
- US dollar (USD)
- EU Euro (EUR)
- Crypto
- Local currencies
More information about currencies and payment methods here
XAMAX allows you to integrate payments into your business. Customers can pay for purchases and services directly from their mobile device or through the XAMAX payment form. The client chooses a convenient payment method, and the business receives and withdraws funds to convenient wallets. XAMAX implements payment gateway to receive money from the client and send it to the business using the settlement network.
This is GUIDE of integration will help You with integration of XAMAX by API and create Your 1st invoice at Payment Gateway solution
Step 1: Sign up and Authenticate to XAMAX
Merchant signs up to XAMAX personal account.
Personal account
Production https://my.xamax.io
Sandbox https://my.sandbox.xamax.io (we recommended begin with it)
Account signed up at Sandbox can be used at Production and veci versa
API endpoint
Production swagger
Sandbox swagger (we recommended begin with it)
More information about registration, You can find in GUIDE: Registration and Authenticate
Step 2: Gets API keys
Generate Your own API KEY at personal area, in INTEGRATION - API KEY (Production) / (Sandbox)
You can select 3 differents API KEYs:
- for invoicing: with the KEY You can create invoicing transactions, but cannot do withdrawals and exchanging
- for withdrawal: with the KEY You can create withdrawal transactions, but cannot do invoicing
- for invoice and withdrawal: the KEY provide to You opportunitty create invoicing and withdrawal transactions
You should use this API KEYs for geting payment token (access_token
) from "Step 4"
More information about API KEYs, You can find in GUIDE: API KEY
Step 3: Set up callback URL
To create and automatically process the transactions, you need to set up a callback-url to receive the status of completed transactions. You can do this in personal account at Production / personal account at Sandbox or via API.
If You want to do that in personal account:
- Indicate callback URL at field CALLBACK
- CALLBACK URL for Payment Gateway (Production) / (Sandbox)
We separated callbacks, because for each product You can used different servers or domains.
If URL the same for each product, please, indicate the same URL for each fields
More information about callbacks, You can find in GUIDE: Callbacks or in merchant settings in Payment Gateway settings
Step 4: Gets payment token
To start working and creating Your first invoice you should get payment token (access_token
- Send request https://auth.xamax.io/v1/auth/refresh with param "refresh_token" which is Your API KEY, You got at "Step 2" of this guide.
- Response return to You "access_token", which You'll be used for creating invoice and work with the XAMAX
- The lifetime of each payment token is 5 minutes
- Merchant can set up periodic renewal of payment tokens by refresh token procedure. Or update tokens immediately before creating a new invoice. Refresh token is valid for 30 days.
- Production
- Sandbox
POST https://api.xamax.io/v1/auth/refresh HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
POST https://api.sandbox.xamax.io/v1/auth/refresh HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
More information about payment token, You can find in GUIDE: Getting API token
Step 5: Create PayLink
To create a payment link, you need to use the request /v1/payment-link (Production or Sandbox).
It is enough to specify the reference identifier payment_link_id
from the merchant system.
You may not specify the currency code currency
, the amount amount
, successURL
, failURL
- Production
- Sandbox
POST https://api.xamax.io/fiat/v1/payment-link HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}
Content-Type: application/json
"payment_link_id": "1",
"amount": 700,
"currency": "THB",
"success_url": "https://example.com",
"fail_url": "https://example.com",
"webhook_url": "https://example.com"
POST https://api.sandbox.xamax.io/fiat/v1/payment-link HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}
Content-Type: application/json
"payment_link_id": "1",
"amount": 700,
"currency": "THB",
"success_url": "https://example.com",
"fail_url": "https://example.com",
"webhook_url": "https://example.com"
← Unique transaction identifier of the merchant (platform); (mandatory)amount
← Amount of payment link from merchant; (optional)currency
← Currency on payment link; (optional)success_url
← URL address, where the customer to be redirected after success processing; (optional)fail_url
← URL address, where the customer to be redirected after failed processing; (optional)webhook_url
← URL address, where should be sended callback by transaction; (optional)
XAMAX will return, in response, the URL to PayLink, where need to redirect the customer for choose payment method and payment.
"type": "link",
"value": {
"link": "https://api.xamax.io/fiat/ui/plink/eyJwYXltZW50TGlua0lkIjoiMTMwOTIwMjQyIiwibWVyY2hhbnRJZCI6M30"
← Type of PayLink;value:link
← URL address of PayLinkhttps://plink.xamax.io/…
More information about PayLink is here
In case, if You don't need to use PayLink and You want to create transaction directly, You can use information from this page page
The payment link page includes a geo checker that automatically identifies the user’s country based on their IP address
Step 6: Customer payment
Customer choose the available payment methods and pay the transaction on XAMAX side. The XAMAX will be inform the merchant about all changes with the status of transaction through callbacks.
Step 7: Get callback with status
XAMAX will send a POST request to the merchant's callback URL, after each changes of transaction statuses.
Example body of callback
"merchant_transaction_id": "140820241",
"amount": 642.18,
"status": "transaction_status_confirmed",
"status_description": "Transaction is confirmed",
"substatus": "complete",
"substatus_description": "Complete",
"currency": "INR",
"country": "IND",
"payment_method": "upi",
"created_at": "2024-08-14 13:13:41",
"message": "",
- merchant_transaction_id - Unique transaction identifier of the merchant (platform);
- amount - Amount of transaction from merchant;
- status - Current status of transaction;
- status_description - Descriptions of current status
- substatus - mid status of transaction;
- substatus_description - Descriptions of current substatus;
- currency* - Currency of transaction;
- country - Country of merchant or customer
- payment_method - Payment method of transaction
- created_at - Date and time of created of transaction
- message - Additional information about transaction
- ex_rate - Exchange rate of PayLink currency to payment currency
List of final statuses:
- transaction_status_confirmed - the transaction was successfully paid
- transaction_status_cancelled - transaction was cancelled from payer side
- transaction_status_failed - the transaction wasn't paid from payer side
- transaction_status_refunded - the transaction was back to payer
- transaction_status_expired - the transaction was not paid within a certain period of time
More information about statuses and status models
Step 8: Set up payment settings
For flexible management of wallets and transactions, you can use various settings through the API or through personal account at Production / personal account at Sandbox
Read more in Fiat Gateway settings or GUIDE: Account Setting