Status model
Crypto invoice
Successful model
Status flow
The payer received the details and paid for the transaction, according to the received details (to the correct wallet, the correct amount)
- transaction_status_pending - XAMAX have issued the details, as wallet and amount to pay, and waiting a payment;
- transaction_status_waiting - XAMAX have "detected" the transaction in the blockchain, and are waiting until receive confirmation of the transaction in the blockchain;
- transaction_status_confirmed - XAMAX received confirmation from the blockchain and full payment, that is, the amount of the invoice merchant created and the amount paid converge 1 to 1, the payment was credited to the wallet issued to the payer;
Approve Required
Status flow
- The payer received the details and paid for the transaction and paid to the required wallet, but the amount differs from the amount in the invoice (less or more).
- The payer don't request details of payment and has sending the payment used old details (any of previous wallet);
- The payer has sending the payment after expired time of transaction
Auto Approve is OFF
If merchant has manually approved it
- transaction_status_approve_required - XAMAX have "detected" the transaction with some amount to the merchant's wallet in the blockchain, but cannot matched of invoice; (needed manually approved);
- transaction_status_waiting - XAMAX waiting confirmation of the transaction in the blockchain;
- transaction_status_confirmed - XAMAX have received the unexpected payment;
If merchant has manually declined it
- transaction_status_approve_required - XAMAX have "detected" the transaction with some amount to the merchant's wallet in the blockchain, but cannot matched of invoice; (needed manually approved);
- transaction_status_refund - XAMAX starting of return amount to payer's wallet;
- transaction_status_refunding - XAMAX have created refund transaction and wait confirmation on it in the blockchain;
- transaction_status_refunded - XAMAX have sended amount to payer's wallet;
Auto Approve is ON
- transaction_status_approve_required - XAMAX have "detected" the transaction with some amount to the merchant's wallet in the blockchain, but cannot matched of invoice;
- transaction_status_confirmed - XAMAX have received the unexpected payment;
Status flow
The payer received the details, but not paid transaction in time (30 minutes)
- transaction_status_pending - XAMAX have issued the details, as wallet and amount to pay, and waiting a payment;
- transaction_status_expired - XAMAX not detected payment to the wallet within 30 minutes and automatically change the status;
Incoming transaction amount is less than the minimum amount
Status flow
The payer received the details, but paid transaction less, than minimum amount in XAMAX
- transaction_status_pending - XAMAX has issued the details, as wallet and amount to pay, and waiting a payment;
- transaction_status_dust - XAMAX has detected transaction in the blockchain, but amount less, than minimum amount in XAMAX (Min. amount is 10USD)
Check the administrator
Status flow
The payer received the details and paid transaction.
- transaction_status_pending - XAMAX has issued the details, as wallet and amount to pay, and waiting a payment;
- transaction_status_waiting - XAMAX has detected the transaction in the blockchain, and are waiting until receive confirmation of the transaction in the blockchain;
- transaction_status_check_required - XAMAX has detected transaction, but need manually check the transaction.
Crypto withdrawals
Successful model
Status flow
The Merchant indicated the details (amount, wallet) and send the transaction.
- transaction_status_pending - Merchant just created new withdrawal and XAMAX will not send it to blockchain;
- transaction_status_sending - XAMAX has send withdrawal to blockchain;
- transaction_status_waiting - XAMAX has waiting all needed confirmation from blockchain;
- transaction_status_confirmed - XAMAX has successfully made withdrawal to destination wallet;
Status flow
The Merchant indicated the details (amount, wallet) and try to send the transaction in blockchain, but some technical issues (to blockchain side)
- transaction_status_pending - Merchant just created new withdrawal and XAMAX will not send it to blockchain;
- transaction_status_sending - XAMAX has send withdrawal to blockchain;
- transaction_status_failed - XAMAX has fail the withdrawal;
Crypto exchange
General model
FIAT transactions
List of final statuses:
- transaction_status_confirmed
- transaction_status_cancelled
- transaction_status_failed
- transaction_status_refunded
- transaction_status_expired
Successful model
Status flow
The payer received the details and paid for the transaction, according to the received details (to the correct details, the correct amount)
- transaction_status_pending - XAMAX has issued the details, as details and amount to pay, and waiting a payment;
- transaction_status_waiting - XAMAX has detected the transaction;
- transaction_status_confirmed - XAMAX received full payment;
Approve Required
Status flow
- The payer received the details and paid for the transaction and paid to the required details, but the amount differs from the amount in the invoice (less or more).
- The payer don't request details of payment and has sending the payment used old details (any of previous details);
- The payer has sending the payment after expired time of transaction
Auto Approve is OFF
If merchant has manually approved it
- transaction_status_approve_required - XAMAX has received amount less or more, than required;
- transaction_status_waiting - XAMAX waiting confirmation from bank;
- transaction_status_confirmed - XAMAX have received the unexpected payment;
If merchant has manually NOT approved it
- transaction_status_approve_required - XAMAX has received amount less or more, than required;
- transaction_status_refund_required - XAMAX starting of return amount to payer's details;
- transaction_status_refunded - XAMAX have sended amount to payer's details;
Auto Approve is ON
- transaction_status_approve_required - XAMAX has received amount less or more, than required;
- transaction_status_confirmed - XAMAX has accepted incoming less or more amount, than required;
Status flow
The payer received the details, but not paid transaction in time (30 minutes)
- transaction_status_pending - XAMAX have issued the details, as details and amount to pay, and waiting a payment;
- transaction_status_expired - XAMAX not detected payment to the details within 30 minutes and automatically change the status;
Status flow
The payer received the details, start to paying for the transaction, but cancel on him side
- transaction_status_pending - XAMAX has issued the details, as details and amount to pay, and waiting a payment;
- transaction_status_canceled - XAMAX has received cancel from payer's side;
Status flow
The payer received the details, start to paying for the transaction, but not complete the payment by any reasons;
- transaction_status_pending - XAMAX has issued the details, as details and amount to pay, and waiting a payment;
- transaction_status_failed - XAMAX has changed the status
FIAT withdrawals
List of final statuses:
- withdrawal_status_complete
- withdrawal_status_canceled
- withdrawal_status_failed